Kaynağa Gözat

NodeGameMap and NodeMapEditor classes continue to be built up

Bryan Miller 6 yıl önce
1 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 141 ekleme ve 24 silme
  1. +141

+ 141
- 24
game/nodes.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -26,23 +26,28 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
self._layer = {}
self._currentLayer = ""
self._res = {
self._topdown = {
"size":8, # Pixels square
"wall_color":pygame.Color(255, 255, 255),
"blocked_color":pygame.Color(255, 0, 0)
self._cellpos = [0,0]
self._orientation = "n"

def environment_resource(self):
return self._res["horizon"]
def environment_source(self):
return self._res["env_src"]

def wall_resource(self):
return self._res["walls"]
def wall_source(self):
return self._res["wall_src"]

def layer_count(self):
@@ -71,19 +76,48 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
return names

def orientation(self):
return self._orientation

def cell_position(self):
return (self._cellpos[0], self._cellpos[1])

def set_resources(self, environment, walls):
def set_resources(self, env_src, wall_src):
res = self.resource
if environment != self._res["environment"]:
if res.is_valid("graphic", environment):
self._res["environment"] = environment
if walls != self._res["walls"]:
if res.is_valid("graphic", walls):
self._res["walls"] = walls
if env_src != "" and env_src != self._res["env_src"]:
if res.is_valid("json", env_src):
if not res.has("json", env_src):
res.store("json", env_src)
e = res.get("json", env_src)
if e is not None and e() is not None:
self._res["env_src"] = env_src
self._res["env"] = e
# TODO: Load the images associated with the environments
if wall_src != "" and wall_src != self._res["wall_src"]:
if res.is_valid("json", wall_src):
if not res.has("json", wall_src):
print("Storing resource {}".format(wall_src))
res.store("json", wall_src)
w = res.get("json", wall_src)
if w is not None and w() is not None:
self._res["wall_src"] = wall_src
self._res["walls"] = w
# NOTE: I'm making a lot of assumptions to the structural validity of the data file, but...
imgsrc = w().data["src"]
if res.is_valid("graphic", imgsrc):
if res.has("graphic", imgsrc):
res.store("graphic", imgsrc)
print("Failed to get JSON instance {}".format(wall_src))
print("Invalid JSON {}".format(wall_src))

def add_layer(self, name, w, h):
if name == "" or name in self._layers:
if name == "" or name in self._layer:
self._layer[name] = {
@@ -91,17 +125,25 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
for c in range(0, w*h):
self._layer[name]["cells"][c] = {
"c":0, # Sky / Ceiling
"g":0, # Ground
"n":[-1,False], # North Wall | [<graphic index, -1 = None>, <blocking>]
"s":[-1,False], # South Wall
"e":[-1,False], # East Wall
"w":[-1,False] # West Wall
"n":[-1, False, -1, None], # North Wall | [<graphic index, -1 = None>, <blocking>, <door index, -1 = None, 0 = closed, 1=open>, <door target>]
"s":[-1, False, -1, None], # South Wall
"e":[-1, False, -1, None], # East Wall
"w":[-1, False, -1, None], # West Wall
if self._currentLayer == "":
self._currentLayer = name

def set_active_layer(self, name, x=0, y=0):
if name == "" or not (name in self._layers):
layer = self._layers[name]
if x >= 0 and x < layer["w"] and y >= 0 and y < layer["h"]:
self._currentLayer = name
self._cellpos = [x,y]

def set_cell_env(self, x, y, ceiling=-1, ground=-1):
if self._currentLayer == "":
@@ -128,6 +170,8 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
if x >= 0 and x < layer["w"] and y >= 0 and y < layer["h"]:
index = (y * layer["w"]) + x
cell = layer["cells"]
if gi <= -2:
gi = self._res["wall_index"]
if gi >= -1:
cell[index][face][0] = gi
if blocking is not None:
@@ -141,6 +185,26 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
blocking = (blocking == True) # Forcing a boolean
cell[index][face][1] = blocking

def next_wall(self):
if self._res["walls"] is not None:
w = self._res["walls"]()
if w is not None:
windex = self._res["wall_index"] + 1
if windex >= len(w.data["walls"]):
windex = -1
self._res["wall_index"] = windex
print("Next Wall Index: {}".format(windex))

def prev_wall(self):
if self._res["walls"] is not None:
w = self._res["walls"]()
if w is not None:
windex = self._res["wall_index"] - 1
if windex < -1:
windex = len(w.data["walls"]) - 1
self._res["wall_index"] = windex
print("Prev Wall Index: {}".format(windex))

def turn_left(self):
onum = self._d_s2n(self._orientation)
onum -= 1
@@ -155,6 +219,36 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
onum = 0
self._orientation = self._d_n2s(onum)

def move_to(self, x, y):
if x >= 0 and x < self.current_layer_width and y >= 0 and y < self.current_layer_height:
self._cellpos = [x, y]

def move_forward(self, ignore_passible=False):
if ignore_passible or self.is_passible(self._cellpos[0], self._cellpos[1], self._orientation):
x = self._cellpos[0]
y = self._cellpos[1]
if self._orientation == "n":
y -= 1
elif self._orientation == "e":
x += 1
elif self._orientation == "s":
y += 1
elif self._orientation == "w":
x -= 1
self.move_to(x, y)

def move_backward(self, ignore_passible=False):
orient = self._orientation
if self._orientation == "n":
self._orientation = "s"
elif self._orientation == "s":
self._orientation = "n"
elif self._orientation == "e":
self._orientation = "w"
elif self._orientation == "w":
self._orientation = "e"
self._orientation = orient

def is_passible(self, x, y, d):
@@ -208,7 +302,7 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
def _RenderTopDown(self):
cell_size = self._topdown["size"]
size = self.resolution
pos = self.position
pos = self._cellpos
lsize = (self.current_layer_width, self.current_layer_height)
hcells = int(size[0] / cell_size)
vcells = int(size[1] / cell_size)
@@ -256,7 +350,7 @@ class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):

class MapEditor(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
class NodeMapEditor(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
def __init__(self, name="MapEditor", parent=None):
gbe.nodes.Node2D.__init__(self, name, parent)
@@ -264,11 +358,34 @@ class MapEditor(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
raise e

def on_start(self):
self.listen("KEYPRESSED", self.on_keypressed)

def on_pause(self):
self.unlisten("KEYPRESSED", self.on_keypressed)

def on_keypressed(self, event, data):
p = self.parent
if p is None or not isinstance(p, NodeGameMap):

if data["key_name"] == "escape":
if data["key_name"] == "w":
elif data["key_name"] == "s":
elif data["key_name"] == "a":
elif data["key_name"] == "d":
elif data["key_name"] == "space":
o = p.orientation
cpos = p.cell_position
p.set_cell_face(cpos[0], cpos[1], o)
elif data["key_name"] == "e":
elif data["key_name"] == "q":
