Legend of the Gold Box... A game written for the LOWREZJAM 2018 game jam
Nelze vybrat více než 25 témat Téma musí začínat písmenem nebo číslem, může obsahovat pomlčky („-“) a může být dlouhé až 35 znaků.

  1. from . import gbe
  2. import pygame
  3. class NodeInterface(gbe.nodes.NodeSurface):
  4. def __init__(self, name="Interface", parent=None):
  5. try:
  6. gbe.nodes.NodeSurface.__init__(self, name, parent)
  7. except gbe.nodes.NodeError as e:
  8. raise e
  9. def on_render(self):
  10. size = self.resolution
  11. self.draw_rect((0, 0, size[0], 10), pygame.Color(255,0,0,128), 1)
  12. self.draw_circle((int(size[0]/2), int(size[1]/2)), 16, pygame.Color(255,0,0,255), 2, pygame.Color(0,255,0,255))
  13. class NodeGameMap(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
  14. def __init__(self, name="GameMap", parent=None):
  15. try:
  16. gbe.nodes.Node2D.__init__(self, name, parent)
  17. except gbe.nodes.NodeError as e:
  18. raise e
  19. self._renderMode = 0 # 0 = Top-down | 1 = Perspective
  20. self._layer = {}
  21. self._currentLayer = ""
  22. self._res = {
  23. "environment":"",
  24. "walls":""
  25. }
  26. self._topdown = {
  27. "size":8, # Pixels square
  28. "wall_color":pygame.Color(255, 255, 255),
  29. "blocked_color":pygame.Color(255, 0, 0)
  30. }
  31. self._orientation = "n"
  32. @property
  33. def environment_resource(self):
  34. return self._res["horizon"]
  35. @property
  36. def wall_resource(self):
  37. return self._res["walls"]
  38. @property
  39. def layer_count(self):
  40. return len(self._layer)
  41. @property
  42. def current_layer(self):
  43. return self._currentLayer
  44. @property
  45. def current_layer_width(self):
  46. if self._currentLayer != "":
  47. return self._layer[self._currentLayer]["w"]
  48. return 0
  49. @property
  50. def current_layer_height(self):
  51. if self._currentLayer != "":
  52. return self._layer[self._currentLayer]["h"]
  53. return 0
  54. @property
  55. def layer_names(self):
  56. names = []
  57. for key in self._layer:
  58. names.append(names)
  59. return names
  60. def set_resources(self, environment, walls):
  61. res = self.resource
  62. if environment != self._res["environment"]:
  63. if res.is_valid("graphic", environment):
  64. self._res["environment"] = environment
  65. if walls != self._res["walls"]:
  66. if res.is_valid("graphic", walls):
  67. self._res["walls"] = walls
  68. def add_layer(self, name, w, h):
  69. if name == "" or name in self._layers:
  70. return
  71. self._layer[name] = {
  72. "w":w,
  73. "h":h,
  74. "cells":[]
  75. }
  76. for c in range(0, w*h):
  77. self._layer[name]["cells"][c] = {
  78. "c":0, # Sky / Ceiling
  79. "g":0, # Ground
  80. "n":[-1,False], # North Wall | [<graphic index, -1 = None>, <blocking>]
  81. "s":[-1,False], # South Wall
  82. "e":[-1,False], # East Wall
  83. "w":[-1,False] # West Wall
  84. }
  85. if self._currentLayer == "":
  86. self._currentLayer = name
  87. def set_cell_env(self, x, y, ceiling=-1, ground=-1):
  88. if self._currentLayer == "":
  89. return
  90. layer = self._layer[self._currentLayer]
  91. if x >= 0 and x < layer["w"] and y >= 0 and y < layer["h"]:
  92. index = (y * layer["w"]) + x
  93. cell = layer["cells"]
  94. if ceiling >= 0:
  95. cell[index]["c"] = ceiling
  96. if ground >= 0:
  97. cell[index]["g"] = ground
  98. def fill_cell_env(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, ceiling=-1, ground=-1):
  99. if self._currentLayer == "":
  100. return
  101. for y in range(y1, y2+1):
  102. for x in range(x1, x2+1):
  103. self.set_cell_env(x, y, ceiling, ground)
  104. def set_cell_face(self, x, y, face, gi=-2, blocking=None):
  105. if self._currentLayer == "" or not (face == "n" or face == "s" or face == "w" or face == "e"):
  106. return
  107. layer = self._layer[self._currentLayer]
  108. if x >= 0 and x < layer["w"] and y >= 0 and y < layer["h"]:
  109. index = (y * layer["w"]) + x
  110. cell = layer["cells"]
  111. if gi >= -1:
  112. cell[index][face][0] = gi
  113. if blocking is not None:
  114. cell[index][face][1] = (blocking == True)
  115. else:
  116. if gi == -1: # If gi = -1, there is no wall, so, by default, there is no blocking.
  117. cell[index][face][1] = False
  118. else: # Otherwise, blocking is assumed :)
  119. cell[index][face][1] = True
  120. elif blocking is not None:
  121. blocking = (blocking == True) # Forcing a boolean
  122. cell[index][face][1] = blocking
  123. def turn_left(self):
  124. onum = self._d_s2n(self._orientation)
  125. onum -= 1
  126. if onum < 0:
  127. onum = 3
  128. self._orientation = self._d_n2s(onum)
  129. def turn_right(self):
  130. onum = self._d_s2n(self._orientation)
  131. onum += 1
  132. if onum > 3:
  133. onum = 0
  134. self._orientation = self._d_n2s(onum)
  135. def is_passible(self, x, y, d):
  136. """
  137. Returns true if it's possible to move forward from the x, y map position in the direction given.
  138. d - 0 = North, 1 = East, 2 = South, 3 = West
  139. """
  140. if self._currentLayer == "" or d < 0 or d >= 4:
  141. return False
  142. layer = self._layer[self._currentLayer]
  143. if x >= 0 and x < layer["w"] and y >= 0 and y < layer["h"]:
  144. index = (y * layer["w"]) + x
  145. d = self._d_n2s(d)
  146. return not layer["cells"][index][d][1]
  147. return False
  148. def _d_n2s(self, d): # _(d)irection_(n)umber_to_(s)tring
  149. if d == 0:
  150. return "n"
  151. elif d == 1:
  152. return "e"
  153. elif d == 2:
  154. return "s"
  155. elif d == 3:
  156. return "w"
  157. return ""
  158. def _d_s2n(self, d):
  159. if d == "n":
  160. return 0
  161. elif d == "e":
  162. return 1
  163. elif d == "s":
  164. return 2
  165. elif d == "w":
  166. return 3
  167. return -1
  168. def _indexFromPos(self, x, y):
  169. if x >= 0 and x < self.current_layer_width and y >= 0 and y < self.current_layer_height:
  170. return (y * self.current_layer_width) + x
  171. return -1
  172. def _getCell(self, x, y):
  173. index = self._indexFromPos(x, y)
  174. if index < 0:
  175. return None
  176. return self._layer[self._currentLayer]["cells"][index]
  177. def _RenderTopDown(self):
  178. cell_size = self._topdown["size"]
  179. size = self.resolution
  180. pos = self.position
  181. lsize = (self.current_layer_width, self.current_layer_height)
  182. hcells = int(size[0] / cell_size)
  183. vcells = int(size[1] / cell_size)
  184. cx = pos[0] - int(hcells * 0.5)
  185. cy = pos[1] - int(vcells * 0.5)
  186. ry = -4
  187. for j in range(0, vcells+1):
  188. y = cy + j
  189. if y >= 0 and y < lsize[1]:
  190. rx = -1
  191. for i in range(0, hcells+1):
  192. x = cx + i
  193. if x >= 0 and x < lsize[0]:
  194. cell = self._getCell(x, y)
  195. if cell["n"][0] >= 0:
  196. self.draw_rect((rx, ry, cell_size, 2), self._topdown["wall_color"], 0, self._topdown["wall_color"])
  197. if cell["e"][0] >= 0:
  198. self.draw_rect((rx+(cell_size-2), ry, 2, cell_size), self._topdown["wall_color"], 0, self._topdown["wall_color"])
  199. if cell["s"][0] >= 0:
  200. self.draw_rect((rx, ry+(cell_size-2), cell_size, 2), self._topdown["wall_color"], 0, self._topdown["wall_color"])
  201. if cell["w"][0] >= 0:
  202. self.draw_rect((rx, ry, 2, cell_size), self._topdown["wall_color"], 0, self._topdown["wall_color"])
  203. if cell["n"][1] == True:
  204. self.draw_lines([(rx+1, ry+1), (rx+(cell_size-1), ry+1)], self._topdown["blocked_color"], 1)
  205. if cell["e"][1] == True:
  206. self.draw_lines([(rx+(cell_size-2), ry+1), (rx+(cell_size-2), ry+(cell_size-2))], self._topdown["blocked_color"], 1)
  207. if cell["s"][1] == True:
  208. self.draw_lines([(rx+1, ry+(cell_size-2)), (rx+(cell_size-2), ry+(cell_size-2))], self._topdown["blocked_color"], 1)
  209. if cell["w"][1] == True:
  210. self.draw_lines([(rx+1, ry+1), (rx+1, ry+(cell_size-2))], self._topdown["blocked_color"], 1)
  211. rx += cell_size
  212. ry += cell_size
  213. def _RenderPerspective(self):
  214. pass
  215. def on_render(self):
  216. if self._renderMode == 0:
  217. self._RenderTopDown()
  218. else:
  219. self._RenderPerspective()
  220. class MapEditor(gbe.nodes.Node2D):
  221. def __init__(self, name="MapEditor", parent=None):
  222. try:
  223. gbe.nodes.Node2D.__init__(self, name, parent)
  224. except gbe.nodes.Node2D as e:
  225. raise e
  226. def on_start(self):
  227. pass
  228. def on_pause(self):
  229. pass