- const package = require("./package.json");
- const exec = require('child_process').execSync;
- const fs = require("fs");
- const path = require("path");
- const express = require("express");
- const app = express();
- const http = require("http");
- const https = require("https");
- var production = process.env.PRODUCTION || false;
- var port = process.env.NESPORT || 80;
- var portSSL = process.env.NESPORTSSL || 443;
- var sslKeyPath = process.env.SSLKEYPATH || null;
- var sslCertPath = process.env.SSLCERTPATH || null;
- var sslCaPath = process.env.SSLCAPATH || null;
- function GenVersion(){
- var v = package.version;
- // Testing for a GIT repo... if not in a production environment.
- if (production === false){
- try{
- var res = exec("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").toString();
- v += "-[" + res.trim();
- res = exec("git rev-parse HEAD").toString();
- v += ":" + res.substring(0, 5) + "]";
- } catch(e) {
- if (v !== package.version){
- v += "]"; // If v doesn't match package.version, then assume that the first git call worked.
- }
- }
- }
- return v;
- }
- var version = GenVersion();
- app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, "/views"));
- app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
- app.set('view engine', 'html');
- app.use("/app", express.static(path.join(__dirname, "/app")));
- app.get('/', function(req, res){
- res.render('index.html', {version:version, author:package.author});
- });
- console.log("NESPaint (v" + version + ") Server");
- if (sslKeyPath !== null && sslCertPath !== null){
- try {
- var options = {
- key: fs.readFileSync(sslKeyPath),
- cert: fs.readFileSync(sslCertPath)
- }
- if (sslCaPath !== null)
- options.ca = fs.readFileSync(sslCaPath);
- app.use(function(req, res, next){
- if (req.secure){
- next();
- } else {
- res.redirect('https://' + req.headers.host + req.url);
- }
- });
- https.createServer(options, app).listen(portSSL, () => {
- console.log("HTTPS Listening on port " + portSSL + "!");
- });
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("WARNING: Failed to initialize HTTPS server. \"" + e.toString() + "\"");
- }
- }
- http.createServer(app).listen(port, () => {
- console.log("HTTP Listening on port " + port + "!");
- });