import Utils from "/app/js/common/Utils.js"; import GlobalEvents from "/app/js/common/EventCaller.js"; import Input from "/app/js/ui/Input.js"; import NESPalette from "/app/js/models/NESPalette.js"; import ISurface from "/app/js/ifaces/ISurface.js"; const EL_CANVAS_ID = "painter"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Univeral data and functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var canvas = null; var context = null; var ctximg = null; function OpenCanvasPixels(){ if (context !== null){ if (ctximg === null){ ctximg = context.getImageData(0,0,Math.floor(canvas.clientWidth),Math.floor(canvas.clientHeight)); } return (ctximg !== null) } return false; } function PutCanvasPixel(i,j,size,color){ if (ctximg === null) return; i = Math.round(i); j = Math.round(j); size = Math.ceil(size); if (size <= 0){return;} var cw = Math.floor(canvas.clientWidth); var ch = Math.floor(canvas.clientHeight); var r = parseInt(color.substring(1, 3), 16); var g = parseInt(color.substring(3, 5), 16); var b = parseInt(color.substring(5, 7), 16); var idat =; for (var y=j; y < j+size; y++){ for (var x=i; x < i+size; x++){ if (x >= 0 && x < cw && y >= 0 && y < ch){ var index = (y*cw*4) + (x*4); idat[index] = r; idat[index+1] = g; idat[index+2] = b; } } } } function CloseCanvasPixels(){ if (ctximg !== null){ context.putImageData(ctximg, 0, 0); ctximg = null; } } function ResizeCanvasImg(w, h){ if (canvas !== null){ canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; } }; // Handling window resize events... var HANDLE_Resize = Utils.debounce(function(e){ if (canvas !== null){ ResizeCanvasImg( canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight ); GlobalEvents.emit("resize", canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight); } }, 250); window.addEventListener("resize", HANDLE_Resize); // Setting-up Input controls. var input = new Input(); input.enableKeyboardInput(true); input.enableMouseInput(true); input.preventDefaults = true; // Mouse handling... /*input.listen("mousemove", handle_mouseevent); input.listen("mousedown", handle_mouseevent); input.listen("mouseup", handle_mouseevent); input.listen("mouseclick", handle_mouseclickevent); */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * CTRLPainter * Actual controlling class. ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // For reference... // class CTRLPainter { constructor(){ this.__scale = 1.0; // This is the scale the painter will display source information. this.__offset = [0.0, 0.0]; // This is the X,Y offset from origin to display source information. this.__onePaletteMode = true; // If true, ALL tiles will be drawing using the same palette. this.__brushSize = 1; this.__brushLastPos = [0.0, 0.0]; this.__brushPos = [0.0, 0.0]; this.__brushColor = 0; this.__brushPalette = 0; this.__gridEnabled = false; this.__gridSize = 1; this.__surface = null; this.__palette = null; // var self = this; var RenderD = Utils.throttle((function(){ this.render(); }).bind(this), 20); var LineToSurface = (function(x0, y0, x1, y1, ci, pi){ var dx = x1 - x0; var ix = Math.sign(dx); dx = 2 * Math.abs(dx); var dy = y1 - y0; var iy = Math.sign(dy); dy = 2 * Math.abs(dy); if (dx > dy){ var err = dy - (dx/2); var y = y0; Utils.range(x0, x1, 1).forEach((x) => { this.__surface.setColorIndex(x, y, ci, pi); if (err > 0 || (err == 0 && ix > 0)){ err -= dx; y += iy; } err += dy; }); } else { var err = dx - (dy/2); var x = x0; Utils.range(y0, y1, 1).forEach((y) => { this.__surface.setColorIndex(x, y, ci, pi); if (err > 0 || (err == 0 && iy > 0)){ err -= dy; x += ix; } err += dx; }); } }).bind(this); var handle_resize = (function(w,h){ RenderD(); }).bind(this); GlobalEvents.listen("resize", handle_resize); var handle_setapppalette = (function(pal){ this.__palette = pal; if (this.__surface !== null){ this.__surface.palette = pal; if (this.__onePaletteMode === false) RenderD(); } }).bind(this); GlobalEvents.listen("set_app_palette", handle_setapppalette); var handle_surface_data_changed = (function(){ RenderD(); }).bind(this); var handle_change_surface = (function(surf){ if (!(surf instanceof ISurface)){ console.log("WARNING: Attempted to set painter to non-surface instance."); return; } if (surf !== this.__surface){ if (this.__surface !== null){ this.__surface.unlisten("data_changed", handle_surface_data_changed); } this.__surface = surf; this.__surface.listen("data_changed", handle_surface_data_changed); if (this.__palette === null && this.__surface.palette !== null){ this.__palette = this.__surface.palette; } else if (this.__palette !== null && this.__surface.palette !== this.__palette){ this.__surface.palette = this.__palette; } this.center_surface(); } RenderD(); }).bind(this); GlobalEvents.listen("change_surface", handle_change_surface); var handle_color_change = (function(pi, ci){ this.__brushPalette = pi; this.__brushColor = ci; }).bind(this); GlobalEvents.listen("active_palette_color", handle_color_change); var handle_mousemove = (function(e){ this.__brushLastPos[0] = this.__brushPos[0]; this.__brushLastPos[1] = this.__brushPos[1]; this.__brushPos[0] = e.x; this.__brushPos[1] = e.y; var x = Math.floor((this.__brushPos[0] - this.__offset[0]) * (1.0 / this.__scale)); var y = Math.floor((this.__brushPos[1] - this.__offset[1]) * (1.0 / this.__scale)); if (x >= 0 && x < this.__surface.width && y >= 0 && y < this.__surface.height){ RenderD(); } }).bind(this); input.listen("mousemove", handle_mousemove); input.listen("mouseleft+mousemove", handle_mousemove); var handle_draw = (function(e){ if (e.isCombo || e.button == 0){ if (this.__surface !== null){ //console.log(this.__brushPos); //console.log(this.__brushLastPos); var x = Math.floor((this.__brushPos[0] - this.__offset[0]) * (1.0 / this.__scale)); var y = Math.floor((this.__brushPos[1] - this.__offset[1]) * (1.0 / this.__scale)); var sx = (e.isCombo) ? Math.floor((this.__brushLastPos[0] - this.__offset[0]) * (1.0 / this.__scale)) : x; var sy = (e.isCombo) ? Math.floor((this.__brushLastPos[1] - this.__offset[1]) * (1.0 / this.__scale)) : y; if (x >= 0 && x < this.__surface.width && y >= 0 && y < this.__surface.height){ LineToSurface(sx, sy, x, y, this.__brushColor, this.__brushPalette); //RenderD(); } } } }).bind(this); input.listen("mouseclick", handle_draw); input.listen("mouseleft+mousemove", handle_draw); var handle_offset = (function(e){ this.__offset[0] += e.x - e.lastX; this.__offset[1] += e.y - e.lastY; RenderD(); }).bind(this); input.listen("shift+mouseleft+mousemove", handle_offset); var handle_scale = (function(e){ if ( < 0){ this.scale_down(); } else if ( > 0){ this.scale_up(); } if ( !== 0) RenderD(); }).bind(this); input.listen("wheel", handle_scale); var handle_togglegrid = (function(target, args){ if ({ target.classList.add("pure-button-active"); target.setAttribute("emit-args", JSON.stringify({show:false})); this.__gridEnabled = true; } else { target.classList.remove("pure-button-active"); target.setAttribute("emit-args", JSON.stringify({show:true})); this.__gridEnabled = false; } RenderD(); }).bind(this); GlobalEvents.listen("painter-togglegrid", handle_togglegrid); var handle_colormode = (function(target, args){ if (args.onePaletteMode){ target.classList.remove("pure-button-active"); target.setAttribute("emit-args", JSON.stringify({onePaletteMode:false})); this.__onePaletteMode = true; } else { target.classList.add("pure-button-active"); target.setAttribute("emit-args", JSON.stringify({onePaletteMode:true})); this.__onePaletteMode = false; } RenderD(); }).bind(this); GlobalEvents.listen("painter-colormode", handle_colormode); } get onePaletteMode(){return this.__onePaletteMode;} set onePaletteMode(e){ this.__onePaletteMode = (e === true); this.render(); } get scale(){ return this.__scale; } set scale(s){ if (typeof(s) !== 'number') throw new TypeError("Expected number value."); this.__scale = Math.max(0.1, Math.min(100.0, s)); } get showGrid(){return this.__gridEnabled;} set showGrid(e){ this.__gridEnabled = (e === true); } initialize(){ if (canvas === null){ canvas = document.getElementById(EL_CANVAS_ID); if (!canvas) throw new Error("Failed to obtain the canvas element."); context = canvas.getContext("2d"); if (!context) throw new Error("Failed to obtain canvas context."); context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; ResizeCanvasImg(canvas.clientWidth, canvas.clientHeight); // A forced "resize". input.mouseTargetElement = canvas; this.center_surface(); } return this; } scale_up(amount=1){ this.scale = this.scale + (amount*0.1); return this; } scale_down(amount=1){ this.scale = this.scale - (amount*0.1); return this; } center_surface(){ if (canvas === null || this.__surface === null) return; this.__offset[0] = Math.floor((canvas.clientWidth - this.__surface.width) * 0.5); this.__offset[1] = Math.floor((canvas.clientHeight - this.__surface.height) * 0.5); return this; } render(){ if (context === null || this.__surface === null) return;; // Clearing the context surface... context.fillStyle = NESPalette.Default[4]; context.fillRect( 0,0, Math.floor(canvas.clientWidth), Math.floor(canvas.clientHeight) ); OpenCanvasPixels(); for (var j = 0; j < this.__surface.height; j++){ var y = (j*this.__scale) + this.__offset[1]; for (var i = 0; i < this.__surface.width; i++){ var x = (i*this.__scale) + this.__offset[0]; if (x >= 0 && x < canvas.clientWidth && y >= 0 && y < canvas.clientHeight){ var color = NESPalette.Default[4]; if (this.__onePaletteMode){ var pinfo = this.__surface.getColorIndex(i, j); if ( >= 0) color = NESPalette.Default[]; } else { color = this.__surface.getColor(i, j); } PutCanvasPixel(x,y, this.__scale, color); } } } CloseCanvasPixels(); // Draw the mouse position... if mouse is currently in bounds. if (input.isMouseInBounds()){ context.fillStyle = "#AA9900"; var x = Math.floor((this.__brushPos[0] - this.__offset[0]) * (1.0/this.__scale)); var y = Math.floor((this.__brushPos[1] - this.__offset[1]) * (1.0/this.__scale)); if (x >= 0 && x < this.__surface.width && y >= 0 && y < this.__surface.height){ context.beginPath(); context.rect( this.__offset[0] + (x*this.__scale), this.__offset[1] + (y*this.__scale), Math.ceil(this.__scale), Math.ceil(this.__scale) ); context.fill(); context.closePath(); } } // Draw grid. if (this.__gridEnabled && this.__scale > 0.5){ context.strokeStyle = "#00FF00"; var w = this.__surface.width * this.__scale; var h = this.__surface.height * this.__scale; var length = Math.max(this.__surface.width, this.__surface.height); for (var i=0; i < length; i += 8){ var x = (i*this.__scale) + this.__offset[0]; var y = (i*this.__scale) + this.__offset[1]; if (i < this.__surface.width){ context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, this.__offset[1]); context.lineTo(x, this.__offset[1] + h); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } if (i < this.__surface.height){ context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(this.__offset[0], y); context.lineTo(this.__offset[0] + w, y); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } } } context.restore(); return this; } } const instance = new CTRLPainter(); export default instance;