import GlobalEvents from "/app/js/common/EventCaller.js"; import Utils from "/app/js/common/Utils.js"; import NESPalette from "/app/js/models/NESPalette.js"; const PLI_TEMPLATE = ".palette-list-item-template"; const PLI_TITLE = ".title"; const PLI_BG_COLOR = ".pal-bg-color"; const PLI_FG_BASE = ".pal-fg-"; const PLI_BG_BASE = ".pal-bg-"; const PLI_SELECTED = ".item-selected"; const PLI_COLOR_BASE = "nes-color-bg-"; var Palettes = []; var CurrentPaletteIndex = 0; var BlockEmits = false; function HANDLE_PaletteClick(e){ if (!this.hasAttribute("palname")){return;} var pname = this.getAttribute("palname"); if (Palettes.length > 0 && Palettes[CurrentPaletteIndex][0] !== pname){ var oel = Palettes[CurrentPaletteIndex][2]; oel.classList.remove(PLI_SELECTED); for (let i=0; i < Palettes.length; i++){ if (Palettes[i][0] === pname){ Palettes[i][2].classList.add(PLI_SELECTED); GlobalEvents.emit("set_app_palette", Palettes[i][1]); break; } } } } function SetElToColor(el, mode, pi, ci, hex){ var cel = null; if (ci === 0){ cel = el.querySelectorAll(PLI_BG_COLOR); } else { cel = el.querySelectorAll(((mode == 0) ? PLI_FG_BASE : PLI_BG_BASE) + pi + "-" + ci); } if (cel !== null && cel.length === 1){ cel = cel[0]; var clist = cel.getAttribute("class").split(" "); for (let i=0; i < clist.length; i++){ if (clist[i].startsWith(PLI_COLOR_BASE)){ cel.classList.remove(clist[i]); break; } } cel.classList.add("." + PLI_COLOR_BASE + hex); } } function ColorElementToPalette(el, palette){ for (let p=0; p < 8; p++){ for (let c=1; c < 4; c++){ SetElToColor( el, (p >= 4) ? 0 : 1, p%4, c, palette.get_palette_syscolor_index(p,c,true) ); } } } function ConnectElementToPalette(el, palette){ palette.listen("palettes_changed", (e) => { if (e.type == "ALL"){ ColorElementToPalette(el, palette); } else if (e.type == "SPRITE"){ SetElToColor( el, 0, e.pindex%4, e.cindex, palette.get_palette_syscolor_index(e.pindex, e.cindex, true) ); } else if (e.type == "TILE"){ SetElToColor( el, 1, e.pindex, e.cindex, palette.get_palette_syscolor_index(e.pindex, e.cindex, true) ); } }); } function CreatePaletteDOMEntry(pname, palette){ var oel = document.querySelectorAll(PLI_TEMPLATE); if (oel.length == 1){ var el = oel[0].cloneNode(true); el.classList.remove(PLI_TEMPLATE); el.classList.remove("hidden"); el.setAttribute("palname", pname); ConnectElementToPalette(el, palette); ColorElementToPalette(el, palette); el.addEventListener("click", HANDLE_PaletteClick); oel[0].parentNode.appendChild(el); return el; } else { console.log("WARNING: Multiple templates found. Ambigous state."); } return null; } class CTRLPalettesStore{ constructor(){} get json(){ var d = { cpi: CurrentPaletteIndex, pals: [] }; for (let i=0; i < Palettes.length; i++){ d.pals.push([Palettes[i][0], Palettes[i][1].json]); } return JSON.stringify(d); } set json(j){ try { var d = JSON.parse(j); } catch (e) { throw e; } if (d.hasOwnProperty("cpi") && d.hasOwnProperty("pals")){ if (Utils.isInt(d.cpi) && d.pals instanceof Array){ var newPalettes = [] for (let i=0; i < d.pals.length; i++){ if (d.pals[i] instanceof Array){ if (this.getPalette(d.pals[i][0]) === null){ this.createPalette(d.pals[i][0], d.pals[i][1]); } } } CurrentPaletteIndex = 0 if (Palettes.length > 0){ if (d.cpi >= 0 && d.cpi < Palettes.length){ CurrentPaletteIndex = d.cpi; } GlobalEvents.emit("set_app_palette", Palettes[CurrentPaletteIndex][1]); } } else { throw new TypeError("JSON Property Value types invalid."); } } else { throw new TypeError("JSON missing expected properties."); } } initialize(){ if (Palettes.length <= 0) this.createPalette("Palette"); return this; } paletteIndexFromName(name){ for (let i=1; i < Palettes.length; i++){ if (Palettes[i][0] == name){ return i; } } return -1; } getPalette(name){ var i = this.paletteIndexFromName(name); return (i >= 0) ? Palettes[i][1] : null; } createPalette(name, pjson){ var palette = this.getPalette(name); if (palette === null){ palette = new NESPalette(); if (typeof(pjson) === "string"){ try { palette.json = pjson; } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to create palette.", e.toString()); palette = null; } } else { palette.set_palette([ "0F", "05","06","07", "09","0A","0B", "01","02","03", "0D","00","20", "15","16","17", "19","1A","1B", "11","21","31", "1D","10","30" ]); } if (palette !== null){ var el = CreatePaletteDOMEntry(name, palette); Palettes.push([name, palette, el]); if (Palettes.length <= 1 && !BlockEmits){ GlobalEvents.emit("set_app_palette", palette); } } } return this; } removePalette(name){ for (let i=0; i < Palettes.length; i++){ if (Palettes[i][0] === name){ if (CurrentPaletteIndex === i){ CurrentPaletteIndex = 0; this.activatePalette(Palettes[0][0]); } Palettes[i][2].parentNode.removeChild(Palettes[i][2]); Palettes.splice(i, 1); } } return this; } renamePalette(oldname, newname){ var i = paletteIndexFromName(oldname); if (i < 0) throw new ValueError("Failed to find palette named '" + oldname +"'. Cannot rename."); Palettes[i][0] = newname; Palettes[i][2].setAttribute("palname", newname); return this; } activatePalette(name){ var i = this.paletteIndexFromName(name); if (i >= 0 && CurrentPaletteIndex !== i){ CurrentPaletteIndex = i; Palettes[CurrentPaletteIndex][2].click(); //if (!BlockEmits){ // GlobalEvents.emit("set_app_palette", Palettes[CurrentPaletteIndex][1]); //} } return this; } clear(){ for (let i=0; i < Palettes.length; i++){ Palettes[i][2].parentNode.removeChild(Palettes[i][2]); } CurrentPaletteIndex = 0; } } const instance = new CTRLPalettesStore(); export default instance;