import Utils from "/app/js/common/Utils.js"; import GlobalEvents from "/app/js/common/EventCaller.js"; const EL_CANVAS_ID = "painter"; // For reference... // class CTRLPainter { constructor(){ this.__canvas = null; this.__context = null; this.__scale = 1.0; // This is the scale the painter will display source information. this.__offset = [0.0, 0.0]; // This is the X,Y offset from origin to display source information. this.__canvas = document.getElementById(EL_CANVAS_ID); if (!this.__canvas) throw new Error("Failed to obtain the canvas element."); this.__context = this.__canvas.getContext("2d"); if (!this.__context) throw new Error("Failed to obtain canvas context."); //var imgdata = this.__context.getImageData(); var handle_resize = Utils.debounce((function(e){ console.log("DEBOUNCED"); console.log(e); var w = this.__canvas.clientWidth; var h = this.__canvas.clientHeight; this.__canvas.width = w; this.__canvas.height = h; console.log(this.__canvas.width + ", " + this.__canvas.height); console.log(this.__canvas.clientWidth + ", " + this.__canvas.clientHeight); }).bind(this), 250); window.addEventListener("resize", handle_resize); } get scale(){ return this.__scale; } set scale(s){ if (typeof(s) !== 'number') throw new TypeError("Expected number value."); this.__scale = Math.max(0.1, Math.min(100.0, s)); } scale_up(amount=1){ this.scale = this.scale + (amount*0.1); } scale_down(amount=1){ this.scale = this.scale - (amount*0.1); } } const instance = new CTRLPainter(); export default instance;