import GlobalEvents from "/app/js/EventCaller.js"; import {NESPalette} from "/app/js/NESPalette.js"; const ATTRIB_NESIDX = "nesidx"; // The two attributes below MUST BOTH be in the element. const ATTRIB_PALIDX = "pidx"; // This is the palette index (0 - 3 (Tiles) 4 - 7 (Sprites)) const ATTRIB_COLIDX = "cidx"; // This is the color index in the selected palette (0 - 3) const CLASS_BTN_ACTIVE = "pure-button-active"; var Active_Palette_Index = 0; var Active_Color_Index = 0; function InvertRGB(hex){ var h = (255 - parseInt(hex, 16)).toString(16); return (h.length < 2) ? "0" + h : h; } function InvertColor(chex, bw){ bw = (bw === true); if (chex.indexOf("#") === 0){ chex = chex.slice(1); } if (chex.length === 3){ chex = chex[0] + chex[0] + chex[1] + chex[1] + chex[2] + chex[2]; } if (chex.length !== 6){ throw new ValueError("Hex color expected to be 3 or 6 characters long."); } if (bw) { var r = parseInt(chex.slice(0, 2), 16); var g = parseInt(chex.slice(2, 4), 16); var b = parseInt(chex.slice(4, 6), 16); // return (r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114) > 186 ? '#000000' : '#FFFFFF'; } return "#" + InvertRGB(chex.slice(0, 2)) + InvertRGB(chex.slice(2, 4)) + InvertRGB(chex.slice(4, 6)); } function GetPaletteIndexes(el){ if (el.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_PALIDX) && el.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_COLIDX)){ var pi = el.getAttribute(ATTRIB_PALIDX); if (!isNaN(pi)) pi = parseInt(pi); else pi = -1; var ci = el.getAttribute(ATTRIB_COLIDX); if (!isNaN(ci)) ci = parseInt(ci); else ci = -1; if (pi >= 0 && pi < 4 && ci >= 0 && ci < 4){ return {pi:pi, ci:ci}; } } return null; } class CTRLPalettes{ constructor(){ this.__NESPalette = null; this.__pi = 0; // Palette index. this.__ci = 0; // Palette color index. this.__mode = 0; // 0 = Tile palette mode | 1 = Sprite palette mode. var self = this; var handle_syspalette_clicked = function(event){ if (this.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_NESIDX)){ var idx = parseInt(this.getAttribute(ATTRIB_NESIDX), 16); if (idx >= 0 && idx < NESPalette.SystemColor.length){ console.log(idx); // TODO: Set a selected Tile/Sprite palette index to the color index clicked. } } }; var elist = document.querySelectorAll("[" + ATTRIB_NESIDX + "]"); elist.forEach(function(el){ var idx = parseInt(el.getAttribute(ATTRIB_NESIDX), 16); if (idx >= 0 && idx < NESPalette.SystemColor.length){["background-color"] = NESPalette.SystemColor[idx]; = InvertColor(NESPalette.SystemColor[idx], true); el.addEventListener("click", handle_syspalette_clicked); } }); var handle_palcolor_clicked = function(event){ if (this.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_PALIDX) && this.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_COLIDX)){ var i = GetPaletteIndexes(this); if (i !== null){ if (self.__pi !== i.pi || self.__ci !=={ // TODO: Instead of storing __pi and __ci, hold the active element. } } } }; var elist = document.querySelectorAll("[" + ATTRIB_PALIDX + "]"); elist.forEach(function(el){ if (el.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_PALIDX) && el.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_COLIDX)){ el.addEventListener("click", handle_palcolor_clicked); } }); } get palette(){ return this.__NESPalette; } set palette(p){ if (!(p instanceof NESPalette)){ throw new TypeError("Expected NESPalette object instance."); } this.__NESPalette = p; var elist = document.querySelectorAll("[" + ATTRIB_PALIDX + "]"); elist.forEach((function(el){ if (el.hasAttribute(ATTRIB_COLIDX)){ var i = GetPaletteIndexes(el); if (i !== null){ var c = p.get_palette_color((this.__mode * 4) + i.pi,;["background-color"] = c; = InvertColor(c, true); } } }).bind(this)); } } const instance = new CTRLPalettes(); export default instance;