import GlobalEvents from "/app/js/common/EventCaller.js"; import EmitterElements from "/app/js/ui/Emitters.js"; import Input from "/app/js/ui/Input.js"; import Modal from "/app/js/ui/Modal.js"; import CTRLPalettes from "/app/js/ctrls/CTRLPalettes.js"; import CTRLPainter from "/app/js/ctrls/CTRLPainter.js"; import NESPalette from "/app/js/models/NESPalette.js"; import NESTile from "/app/js/models/NESTile.js"; import NESBank from "/app/js/models/NESBank.js"; /*function on_palette_changed(e){ if (e.type == "ALL"){ console.log("ALL"); } else if (e.type == "TILE"){ console.log("TILE Palette:", e.pindex, " | Color:", e.cindex); } else if (e.type == "SPRITE"){ console.log("SPRITE Palette:", e.pindex, " | Color:", e.cindex); } } function handle_emitted(){ console.log("EMITTED EVENT!"); } function handle_keyevent(e){ console.log(e); } function handle_mouseevent(e){ console.log(e); } function handle_mouseclickevent(e){ console.log("MOUSE CLICK ON BUTTON: ", e.button); }*/ function TitlePainter(pal){ var elist = document.querySelectorAll(".color-NES-random"); if (elist){ elist.forEach(function(el){ var ca = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11) + 1; var cb = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); var index = (cb*16)+ca; = pal[index];["background-color"] = "#000"; }); } } function initialize(DOC){ TitlePainter(NESPalette.SystemColor); EmitterElements.initialize(); //GlobalEvents.listen("emitted-event", handle_emitted); //var nespainter = new NESPainter(DOC.getElementById("painter")); CTRLPainter.initialize(); var palette = new NESPalette(); // TODO: This is just test code. I should remove this. //palette.listen("palettes_changed", on_palette_changed); // TODO: At least define a more useful set of palettes. As it is, these are just random. palette.set_palette([ 44, 11,12,13, 54,23,43, 23,18,11, 4,8,60, 63,0,11, 0,15,14, 9,0,32, 5,10,20 ]); console.log(palette.to_asm()); GlobalEvents.emit("set_app_palette", palette); /*var input = new Input(); input.preventDefaults = true; input.mouseTargetElement = document.getElementById("painter"); input.listen("keydown", handle_keyevent); input.listen("keyup", handle_keyevent); input.listen("keypress", handle_keyevent); input.listen("mousemove", handle_mouseevent); input.listen("mousedown", handle_mouseevent); input.listen("mouseup", handle_mouseevent); input.listen("mouseclick", handle_mouseclickevent);*/ // TODO: Drop all of this below test code... or put it in a dedicated test app. var TileA = new NESTile(); var TileB = new NESTile(); TileB.setPixelIndex(0,0,2); var TileC = TileB.clone().flip(1); var TileD = TileB.clone().flip(3); //var TileC = TileB.clone(); //TileC.flip(1); for (var i=0; i < 64; i++){ console.log(TileC.pixels[i]); } console.log("TileA does NOT match TileB: ", TileA.isEq(TileB) == -1); console.log("TileA does NOT match TileC: ", TileA.isEq(TileC) == -1); console.log("TileB DOES match TileC with Flag 1: ", TileB.isEq(TileC) == 1); console.log("TileB DOES match TileD with Flag 3: ", TileB.isEq(TileD) == 3); console.log(TileC); console.log(TileC.dataArray); console.log(TileC.pixels[7]); var bnk = new NESBank(); bnk.lp[1] = TileB; bnk.lp[0] = TileC; bnk.rp[16] = TileD; console.log(bnk.chr); console.log("Bank color at coordinates (8,0): ", bnk.getColor(8,0)); console.log("Bank color at coordinates (7,0): ", bnk.getColor(7,0)); console.log("Bank color at coordinates (135, 15): ", bnk.getColor(135,15)); bnk.access_mode = 0; GlobalEvents.emit("change_surface", bnk); } //console.log(document.getElementByID("painter")); initialize(document);