Explorar el Código

NESTile should now store pixel data in proper NES .chr format automatically. Some code cleanup as well.

Bryan Miller hace 5 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 43 adiciones y 41 borrados
  1. +43

+ 43
- 41
app/js/models/NESTile.js Ver fichero

@@ -1,37 +1,28 @@
import Utils from "/app/js/common/Utils.js";
import NESPalette from "/app/js/models/NESPalette.js";

function BitMask(offset){

function BitMask(offset, inv){
case 0:
return 63; // Mask '00111111'
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '01111111' : '10000000', 2);
case 1:
return 207; // Mask '11001111'
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '10111111' : '01000000', 2);
case 2:
return 243; // Mask '11110011'
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '11011111' : '00100000', 2);
case 3:
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '11101111' : '00010000', 2);
case 4:
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '11110111' : '00001000', 2);
case 5:
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '11111011' : '00000100', 2);
case 6:
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '11111101' : '00000010', 2);
return 252; // Mask '11111100'

function SetDataArrayColor(arr, x, y, ci){
var index = (y*8)+x;
var dindex = Math.floor(index*0.25);
var bitoffset = (index % 4);
arr[dindex] = (arr[dindex] & BitMask(bitoffset)) ^ (ci << ((3 - bitoffset)*2));
//if (dindex === 1){
// console.log("index: ", dindex, " | value: ", arr[dindex], " | (x,y): (", x, ",", y, ") | Bit Offset: ", bitoffset, "Color: ", ci);
return parseInt((inv === true) ? '11111110' : '00000001', 2);

function GetDataArrayColor(arr, x, y){
var index = (y*8)+x;
var dindex = Math.floor(index*0.25);
var bitoffset = 6 - ((index % 4) * 2);
return (arr[dindex] & (3 << bitoffset)) >> bitoffset;


export default class NESTile{
@@ -48,23 +39,37 @@ export default class NESTile{
throw new TypeError("Expected integer index.");
if (prop < 0 || prop >= 64)
throw new RangeError("Index out of bounds.");
var dindex = Math.floor(prop*0.25);
var bitoffset = 6 - ((prop % 4) * 2);
return (obj.__data[dindex] & (3 << bitoffset)) >> bitoffset;
var dindex = Math.floor(prop*0.125);
var bitoffset = 7 - (prop%8);
var v = (obj.__data[dindex] & (1 << bitoffset)) >> bitoffset;
v += 2*((obj.__data[8+dindex] & (1 << bitoffset)) >> bitoffset);
return v;

set: function(obj, prop, value){
if (!Utils.isInt(prop))
throw new TypeError("Expected integer index.");
prop = parseInt(prop);
if (!Utils.isInt(value))
throw new TypeError("Color index expected to be integer.");
if (prop < 0 || prop >= 64)
throw new RangeError("Index out of bounds.");
if (value < 0 || value >= 4)
throw new RangeError("Color index out of bounds.");
var dindex = Math.floor(index*0.25);
var bitoffset = (index % 4);
obj.__data[dindex] = (obj.__data[dindex] & BitMask(bitoffset)) ^ (ci << ((3 - bitoffset)*2));
var dindex = Math.floor(prop*0.125);
var bitoffset = (prop % 8);
if (value == 1 || value == 3){
obj.__data[dindex] |= BitMask(bitoffset);
} else {
obj.__data[dindex] &= BitMask(bitoffset, true);
if (value == 2 || value == 3){
obj.__data[8+dindex] |= BitMask(bitoffset);
} else {
obj.__data[8+dindex] &= BitMask(bitoffset, true);
return true;
@@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ export default class NESTile{
if (ci < 0 || ci >= 4){
throw new ValueError("Color index out of bounds.");
SetDataArrayColor(this.__data, x, y, ci);
this.pixels[(y*8)+x] = ci;
return this;

@@ -127,28 +132,25 @@ export default class NESTile{
if (x < 0 || x >= 8 || y < 0 || y >= 8){
throw new ValueError("Coordinates out of bounds.");
return GetDataArrayColor(this.__data, x, y);
return this.pixels[(8*y) + x];

if (flag >= 1 && flag <= 3){
var oldData = this.__data;
var newData = new Uint8Array(16);
for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++){
for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++){
var ci = GetDataArrayColor(this.__data, x, y);
(flag == 1 || flag == 3) ? 7 - x: x,
(flag == 2 || flag == 3) ? 7 - y: y,
this.__data = oldData;
var ci = this.getPixelIndex(x, y);
this.__data = newData;
(flag == 1 || flag == 3) ? 7 - x : x,
(flag == 2 || flag == 3) ? 7 - y : y,
//newData[r[0]] = 2;
//newData[r[0]] = r[1];
this.__data = newData;
return this;
