@@ -4,10 +4,89 @@ import NESBank from "/app/js/models/NESBank.js"; |
const BLI_TEMPLATE = "bank-list-item-template"; |
const BLI_CANVAS = "bank-img"; |
const BLI_TITLE = "title"; |
const BLI_SELECTED = "list-item-selected"; |
var Banks = {}; |
var CurrentBank = ""; |
function HANDLE_BankClick(e){ |
var name = this.getAttribute("bankname"); |
if (name !== CurrentBank){ |
if (CurrentBank !== "") |
Banks[CurrentBank].el.classList.remove(BLI_SELECTED); |
CurrentBank = name; |
Banks[CurrentBank].el.classList.add(BLI_SELECTED); |
GlobalEvents.emit("change_surface", Banks[CurrentBank].bank); |
} |
} |
function SetElBankName(el, name){ |
el.setAttribute("bankname", name); |
var sel = el.querySelector("." + BLI_TITLE); |
if (sel){ |
sel.innerHTML = name; |
} |
} |
var RenderBankToEl = Utils.throttle(function(el, bank){ |
var cnv = el.querySelector("." + BLI_CANVAS); |
var ctx = cnv.getContext("2d"); |
var cw = Math.floor(cnv.clientWidth); |
var ch = Math.floor(cnv.clientHeight); |
if (cw <= 0 || ch <= 0){return;} |
var ctximg = ctx.getImageData(0,0,cw,ch); |
var idat = ctximg.data; |
for (let y=0; y < ch; y++){ |
for (let x=0; x < cw; x++){ |
var index = (y*(cw*4)) + (x*4); |
idat[index] = 0; |
idat[index+1] = 0; |
idat[index+2] = 0; |
idat[index+3] = 255; |
} |
} |
ctx.putImageData(ctximg, 0, 0); |
}, 500); // Only update twice a second. |
function HANDLE_BankDataChange(bank, e){ |
RenderBankToEl(this, bank); |
} |
function ConnectElementToBank(el, bank){ |
bank.listen("data_changed", HANDLE_BankDataChange.bind(el, bank)); |
} |
function CreateBankDOMEntry(name, bank){ |
var baseel = document.querySelector("." + BLI_TEMPLATE); |
if (!baseel){ |
console.log("WARNING: Failed to find bank list item template."); |
return null; |
} |
var el = baseel.cloneNode(true); |
el.classList.remove(BLI_TEMPLATE); |
el.classList.remove("hidden"); |
el.setAttribute("bankname", name); |
ConnectElementToBank(el, bank); |
SetElBankName(el, name); |
el.addEventListener("click", HANDLE_BankClick); |
baseel.parentNode.appendChild(el); |
setTimeout(()=>{ |
RenderBankToEl(el, bank); |
}, 500); // Make the render call in about a half second. Allow DOM time to catch up? |
return el; |
} |
class CTRLBanksStore{ |
constructor(){ |
@@ -58,12 +137,15 @@ class CTRLBanksStore{ |
} |
} |
if (bank !== null){ |
var el = null; // This will be the element associated with this Bank. For now, it's a place holder. |
Banks[name] = {bank:bank, el:el}; |
//Banks.push([name, bank, el]); |
if (this.length <= 1){ |
GlobalEvents.emit("change_surface", bank); |
var el = CreateBankDOMEntry(name, bank); |
if (el){ |
Banks[name] = {bank:bank, el:el}; |
//Banks.push([name, bank, el]); |
if (this.length <= 1){ |
Banks[name].el.click(); |
//GlobalEvents.emit("change_surface", bank); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@@ -81,7 +163,7 @@ class CTRLBanksStore{ |
CurrentBank = ""; |
} |
} |
// TODO: Remove Banks[name].el from the DOM. |
Banks[name].el.parentNode.removeChild(Banks[name].el); |
delete Banks[name]; |
if (CurrentBank !== ""){ |
// TODO: Activate new Bank. |
@@ -94,24 +176,28 @@ class CTRLBanksStore{ |
if ((name in Banks) && !(newname in Banks)){ |
Banks[newname] = Banks[name]; |
delete Banks[name]; |
// TODO: Change the name in Banks[newname].el |
SetElBankName(Banks[newname].el, newname); |
} |
return this; |
} |
activateBank(name){ |
if (CurrentBank !== name && (name in Banks)){ |
// TODO: Switch the active element object. |
CurrentBank = name; |
GlobalEvents.emit("change_surface", Banks[CurrentBank].bank); |
Banks[name].el.click(); |
//CurrentBank = name; |
//GlobalEvents.emit("change_surface", Banks[CurrentBank].bank); |
} |
return this; |
} |
clear(){ |
// TODO: Loop through all keys and remove the elements from the DOM. |
Object.keys(Banks).forEach((item) => { |
item.el.parentNode.removeChild(item.el); |
}); |
Banks = {}; |
CurrentBank = ""; |
if (CurrentBank !== "") |
GlobalEvents.emit("change_surface", null); |
CurrentBank = ""; |
} |
} |