Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Added NESTile model and tests in main. NESTile.flip() is not working ATM.

Bryan Miller pirms 6 gadiem
2 mainītis faili ar 180 papildinājumiem un 0 dzēšanām
  1. +13
  2. +167

+ 13
- 0
app/js/main.js Parādīt failu

@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import Modal from "/app/js/ui/Modal.js";
import CTRLPalettes from "/app/js/ctrls/CTRLPalettes.js";
import CTRLPainter from "/app/js/ctrls/CTRLPainter.js";
import NESPalette from "/app/js/models/NESPalette.js";
import NESTile from "/app/js/models/NESTile.js";

function on_palette_changed(e){
if (e.type == "ALL"){
@@ -82,6 +84,17 @@ function initialize(DOC){
input.listen("mousedown", handle_mouseevent);
input.listen("mouseup", handle_mouseevent);
input.listen("mouseclick", handle_mouseclickevent);

var TileA = new NESTile();
var TileB = new NESTile();
//var TileC = TileB.clone().flip(1);
var TileC = TileB.clone();

console.log("TileA does NOT match TileB: ", TileA.isEq(TileB) == -1);
console.log("TileA does NOT match TileC: ", TileA.isEq(TileC) == -1);
console.log("TileB DOES match TileC with Flag 1: ", TileB.isEq(TileC) == 1);

+ 167
- 0
app/js/models/NESTile.js Parādīt failu

@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
import NESPalette from "/app/js/models/NESPalette.js";

function BitMask(offset){
case 0:
return 63; // Mask '00111111'
case 1:
return 207; // Mask '11001111'
case 2:
return 243; // Mask '11110011'
return 252; // Mask '11111100'

function SetDataArrayColor(arr, x, y, ci){
var index = (y*8)+x;
var dindex = Math.floor(index*0.25);
var bitoffset = 6 - ((index % 4) * 2);
arr[dindex] = (arr[dindex] & BitMask(bitoffset)) ^ (ci << bitoffset);

function GetDataArrayColor(arr, x, y){
var index = (y*8)+x;
var dindex = Math.floor(index*0.25);
var bitoffset = 6 - ((index % 4) * 2);
return (arr[dindex] & (3 << bitoffset)) >> bitoffset;


export default class NESTile{
this.__palette = null;
this.__paletteIndex = 0;
this.__data = new Uint8Array(16);

get dataArray(){
var d = [];
for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++){
for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++){
d.push(this.getPixelIndex(x, y));
return d;

get base64(){
var b = ""
for (var i = 0; i < this.__data.length; i++) {
b += String.fromCharCode(this.__data[i]);
return window.btoa(b);
set base64(s){
var b = window.atob(s);
var len = b.length;
if (b.length !== 16){
throw new Error("Base64 string contains invalid byte count.");
var bytes = new Uint8Array(b.length);
for (var i=0; i < b.length; i++){
bytes[i] = b.charCodeAt(i);
this.__data = bytes;

get palette(){return this.__palette;}
set palette(p){
if (p !== null && !(p instanceof NESPalette)){
throw new TypeError("Expected NESPalette instance or null.");
this.__palette = p;

setPixelIndex(x, y, ci){
if (x < 0 || x >= 8 || y < 0 || y >= 8){
throw new ValueError("Coordinates out of bounds.");
if (ci < 0 || ci >= 4){
throw new ValueError("Color index out of bounds.");
SetDataArrayColor(this.__data, x, y, ci);
return this;

getPixelIndex(x, y){
if (x < 0 || x >= 8 || y < 0 || y >= 8){
throw new ValueError("Coordinates out of bounds.");
return GetDataArrayColor(this.__data, x, y);

getPixel(x, y){
var ci = 0;
try {
ci = this.getPixelIndex(x, y);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
if (this.__palette !== null){
return this.__palette.get_palette_color(this.__paletteIndex, ci);
case 1:
return "#555555";
case 2:
return "#AAAAAA";
case 3:
return "#FFFFFF";
return 0;

if (flag >= 1 && flag <= 3){
var newData = new Uint8Array(16);
for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++){
for (var y = 0; y < 8; y++){
var ci = GetDataArrayColor(this.__data, x, y);
(flag == 1 || flag == 3) ? 7 - x: x,
(flag == 2 || flag == 3) ? 7 - y: y,
//newData[r[0]] = 2;
//newData[r[0]] = r[1];
this.__data = newData;
return this;

var t = new NESTile();
t.base64 = this.base64;
return t;

if (!(tile instanceof NESTile)){
throw new TypeError("Expected NESTile instance.");
var b64 = this.base64;
if (tile.base64 === b64){
return 0;
if (tile.clone().flip(1).base64 === b64){
return 1;
if (tile.clone().flip(2).base64 === b64){
return 2;
if (tile.clone().flip(3).base64 === b64){
return 3;
return -1;

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