A pixel art painter geared specifically at NES pixel art. Includes export for .chr binary file as well as palette and namespace data.

  1. class ENode{
  2. constructor(tag){
  3. this.__tag = tag;
  4. this.__classes = [];
  5. this.__attribs = [];
  6. this.__children = [];
  7. }
  8. appendChild(c){
  9. var val = (c instanceof ENode) ? c : c.toString();
  10. this.__children.push(c);
  11. return this;
  12. }
  13. addClass(cname){
  14. this.__classes.push(cname);
  15. }
  16. addAttribute(aname, aval){
  17. this.__attribs.push([aname, aval]);
  18. }
  19. toString(){
  20. var r = "<" + this.__tag.toUpperCase();
  21. if (this.__attribs.length > 0){
  22. var attr = this.__attribs.reduce(function(a, at){
  23. a += ((a !== "") ? " " : "") + at[0].trim() + "=\"" + at[1] + "\"";
  24. return a;
  25. }, "");
  26. r += " " + attr;
  27. }
  28. if (this.__children.length > 0){
  29. r += ">";
  30. r += this.__children.reduce(function(a, c){
  31. if (c instanceof ENode){
  32. a += c.toString() + "\n";
  33. } else {
  34. a += c;
  35. }
  36. return a;
  37. }, "");
  38. r += "</" + this.__tag.toUpperCase() + ">";
  39. } else {
  40. r += " />";
  41. }
  42. return r;
  43. }
  44. }
  45. function el(){
  46. if (arguments.length < 1)
  47. throw new Error("Invalid number of arguments.");
  48. var ename = arguments[0];
  49. var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
  50. var e = new ENode(ename);
  51. args.forEach(function(item){
  52. if (item === null){return;}
  53. // If given an array, assume it to be an array children.
  54. if (item instanceof Array){
  55. item.forEach(itm => e.appendChild((itm instanceof ENode) ? itm : itm.toString()));
  56. // If given an ENode, then it IS a child
  57. } else if (item instanceof ENode){
  58. e.appendChild(item);
  59. // All objects are assumed to be attributes.
  60. } else if (item instanceof Object){
  61. var keys = Object.keys(item);
  62. keys.forEach(function(key){
  63. if (item.hasOwnProperty(key)){
  64. if (typeof(item[key]) === "string"){
  65. e.addAttribute(key.toString(), item[key]);
  66. }
  67. }
  68. });
  69. // Everything else is assumed to be a child.
  70. } else {
  71. e.appendChild(item.toString());
  72. }
  73. });
  74. return e;
  75. }
  76. module.exports = {
  77. ENode: ENode,
  78. el: el,
  79. html: el.bind(null, "html"),
  80. head: el.bind(null, "head"),
  81. title: el.bind(null, "title"),
  82. script: el.bind(null, "script"),
  83. link: el.bind(null, "link"),
  84. meta: el.bind(null, "meta"),
  85. body: el.bind(null, "body"),
  86. div: el.bind(null, "div"),
  87. span: el.bind(null, "span"),
  88. a: el.bind(null, "a"),
  89. p: el.bind(null, "p"),
  90. b: el.bind(null, "b"),
  91. i: el.bind(null, "i"),
  92. br: el.bind(null, "br"),
  93. ol: el.bind(null, "ol"),
  94. ul: el.bind(null, "ul"),
  95. li: el.bind(null, "li"),
  96. em: el.bind(null, "em"),
  97. img: el.bind(null, "img"),
  98. font: el.bind(null, "font"),
  99. h1: el.bind(null, "h1"),
  100. h2: el.bind(null, "h2"),
  101. h3: el.bind(null, "h3"),
  102. h4: el.bind(null, "h4"),
  103. h5: el.bind(null, "h5"),
  104. h6: el.bind(null, "h6"),
  105. hr: el.bind(null, "hr"),
  106. blockquote: el.bind(null, "blockquote"),
  107. button: el.bind(null, "button"),
  108. nav: el.bind(null, "nav"),
  109. canvas: el.bind(null, "canvas"),
  110. caption: el.bind(null, "caption")
  111. };