Project SAM is the successor to Project-AL. A Platformer developed in the Godot 3.0.6 engine
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102 lines

  1. [gd_resource type="Environment" load_steps=2 format=2]
  2. [sub_resource type="ProceduralSky" id=1]
  3. radiance_size = 4
  4. sky_top_color = Color( 0.0470588, 0.454902, 0.976471, 1 )
  5. sky_horizon_color = Color( 0.556863, 0.823529, 0.909804, 1 )
  6. sky_curve = 0.25
  7. sky_energy = 1.0
  8. ground_bottom_color = Color( 0.101961, 0.145098, 0.188235, 1 )
  9. ground_horizon_color = Color( 0.482353, 0.788235, 0.952941, 1 )
  10. ground_curve = 0.01
  11. ground_energy = 1.0
  12. sun_color = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
  13. sun_latitude = 35.0
  14. sun_longitude = 0.0
  15. sun_angle_min = 1.0
  16. sun_angle_max = 100.0
  17. sun_curve = 0.05
  18. sun_energy = 16.0
  19. texture_size = 2
  20. [resource]
  21. background_mode = 2
  22. background_sky = SubResource( 1 )
  23. background_sky_custom_fov = 0.0
  24. background_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
  25. background_energy = 1.0
  26. background_canvas_max_layer = 0
  27. ambient_light_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
  28. ambient_light_energy = 1.0
  29. ambient_light_sky_contribution = 1.0
  30. fog_enabled = false
  31. fog_color = Color( 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 1 )
  32. fog_sun_color = Color( 1, 0.9, 0.7, 1 )
  33. fog_sun_amount = 0.0
  34. fog_depth_enabled = true
  35. fog_depth_begin = 10.0
  36. fog_depth_curve = 1.0
  37. fog_transmit_enabled = false
  38. fog_transmit_curve = 1.0
  39. fog_height_enabled = false
  40. fog_height_min = 0.0
  41. fog_height_max = 100.0
  42. fog_height_curve = 1.0
  43. tonemap_mode = 0
  44. tonemap_exposure = 1.0
  45. tonemap_white = 1.0
  46. auto_exposure_enabled = false
  47. auto_exposure_scale = 0.4
  48. auto_exposure_min_luma = 0.05
  49. auto_exposure_max_luma = 8.0
  50. auto_exposure_speed = 0.5
  51. ss_reflections_enabled = false
  52. ss_reflections_max_steps = 64
  53. ss_reflections_fade_in = 0.15
  54. ss_reflections_fade_out = 2.0
  55. ss_reflections_depth_tolerance = 0.2
  56. ss_reflections_roughness = true
  57. ssao_enabled = false
  58. ssao_radius = 1.0
  59. ssao_intensity = 1.0
  60. ssao_radius2 = 0.0
  61. ssao_intensity2 = 1.0
  62. ssao_bias = 0.01
  63. ssao_light_affect = 0.0
  64. ssao_color = Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
  65. ssao_quality = 0
  66. ssao_blur = 3
  67. ssao_edge_sharpness = 4.0
  68. dof_blur_far_enabled = false
  69. dof_blur_far_distance = 10.0
  70. dof_blur_far_transition = 5.0
  71. dof_blur_far_amount = 0.1
  72. dof_blur_far_quality = 1
  73. dof_blur_near_enabled = false
  74. dof_blur_near_distance = 2.0
  75. dof_blur_near_transition = 1.0
  76. dof_blur_near_amount = 0.1
  77. dof_blur_near_quality = 1
  78. glow_enabled = false
  79. glow_levels/1 = false
  80. glow_levels/2 = false
  81. glow_levels/3 = true
  82. glow_levels/4 = false
  83. glow_levels/5 = true
  84. glow_levels/6 = false
  85. glow_levels/7 = false
  86. glow_intensity = 0.8
  87. glow_strength = 1.0
  88. glow_bloom = 0.0
  89. glow_blend_mode = 2
  90. glow_hdr_threshold = 1.0
  91. glow_hdr_scale = 2.0
  92. glow_bicubic_upscale = false
  93. adjustment_enabled = false
  94. adjustment_brightness = 1.0
  95. adjustment_contrast = 1.0
  96. adjustment_saturation = 1.0