A collection of scripts and configurations for Bash (and others)
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos
Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.
- # define symbols
- declare -A symbols=(
- [hard_separator]="▶"
- [soft_separator]="|"
- [git]=""
- [lock]=""
- [flag]="⚑"
- [plus]="✚"
- [tick]="✔"
- [cross]="✘"
- [enter]="⏎"
- [python]="λ"
- [battery_charging]="⚡"
- [battery_discharging]="▮"
- [untracked]="U"
- [stash]="🐿"
- [ahead]="+"
- [behind]="-"
- [smilie]="☺"
- [frownie]="☹"
- )
- # This function was modified from one found @ https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/2uf5uu/this_is_my_bash_prompt_which_is_your_favorite/?st=jikgswh4&sh=371ba8bf
- function _git_status() {
- local unknown untracked stash clean ahead behind staged dirty diverged
- unknown=$(_CC $BLUE $BG_DGREY)
- untracked=$(_CC $GREEN $BG_DGREY)
- stash=$(_CC $GREEN $BG_DGREY)
- clean=$(_CC $GREEN $BG_DGREY)
- ahead=$(_CC $YELLOW $BG_DGREY)
- behind=$(_CC $YELLOW $BG_DGREY)
- staged=$(_CC $CYAN $BG_DGREY)
- dirty=$(_CC $RED $BG_DGREY)
- diverged=$(_CC $RED $BG_DGREY)
- branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
- if [[ -n "$branch" ]]; then
- git_status=$(git status 2> /dev/null)
- # If nothing changes the color, we can spot unhandled cases.
- color=$unknown
- if [[ $git_status =~ 'Untracked files' ]]; then
- color=$untracked
- branch="${branch}?"
- fi
- if git stash show &>/dev/null; then
- color=$stash
- branch="${branch}+"
- fi
- if [[ $git_status =~ 'working directory clean' ]]; then
- color=$clean
- fi
- if [[ $git_status =~ 'Your branch is ahead' ]]; then
- color=$ahead
- branch="${branch}>"
- fi
- if [[ $git_status =~ 'Your branch is behind' ]]; then
- color=$behind
- branch="${branch}<"
- fi
- if [[ $git_status =~ 'Changes to be committed' ]]; then
- color=$staged
- fi
- if [[ $git_status =~ 'Changed but not updated' ||
- $git_status =~ 'Changes not staged' ||
- $git_status =~ 'Unmerged paths' ]]; then
- color=$dirty
- fi
- if [[ $git_status =~ 'Your branch'.+diverged ]]; then
- color=$diverged
- branch="${branch}!"
- fi
- echo -n "${color}${symbols[git]}${branch}"
- fi
- }
- set_prompt() {
- local lec="$?"
- if [ $COLOR_PROMPT = yes ]; then
- if [ $lec -ne 0 ]; then
- smilie="$(_CC $RED $BG_DGREY)${symbols[frownie]}"
- else
- smilie="$(_CC $GREEN $BG_DGREY)${symbols[smilie]}"
- fi
- PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}$(_CC $GREEN $BG_DGREY)\u $(_CC $LBLUE $BG_DGREY)\w$(_CC $DEFAULT $BG_DGREY)|${smilie}$(_CC $DEFAULT $BG_DGREY)|$(_git_status)${NORMAL}$(_CFG $DGREY)${symbols[hard_separator]}${NORMAL} "
- else
- PS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ "
- fi
- }
- PROMPT_COMMAND="set_prompt"