1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768 |
- " Configuration borrowed from...
- " https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vim
- " Use the stdio version of OmniSharp-roslyn - this is the default
- let g:OmniSharp_server_stdio = 1
- let g:OmniSharp_server_use_mono = 1
- " Don't autoselect first omnicomplete option, show options even if there is only
- " one (so the preview documentation is accessible). Remove 'preview', 'popup'
- " and 'popuphidden' if you don't want to see any documentation whatsoever.
- " Note that neovim does not support `popuphidden` or `popup` yet:
- " https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/10996
- if has('patch-8.1.1880')
- set completeopt=longest,menuone,popuphidden
- " Highlight the completion documentation popup background/foreground the same as
- " the completion menu itself, for better readability with highlighted
- " documentation.
- set completepopup=highlight:Pmenu,border:off
- else
- set completeopt=longest,menuone,preview
- " Set desired preview window height for viewing documentation.
- set previewheight=5
- endif
- " Tell ALE to use OmniSharp for linting C# files, and no other linters.
- let g:ale_linters = { 'cs': ['OmniSharp'] }
- augroup omnisharp_commands
- autocmd!
- " Show type information automatically when the cursor stops moving.
- " Note that the type is echoed to the Vim command line, and will overwrite
- " any other messages in this space including e.g. ALE linting messages.
- autocmd CursorHold *.cs OmniSharpTypeLookup
- " The following commands are contextual, based on the cursor position.
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> gd <Plug>(omnisharp_go_to_definition)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osfu <Plug>(omnisharp_find_usages)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osfi <Plug>(omnisharp_find_implementations)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>ospd <Plug>(omnisharp_preview_definition)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>ospi <Plug>(omnisharp_preview_implementations)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>ost <Plug>(omnisharp_type_lookup)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osd <Plug>(omnisharp_documentation)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osfs <Plug>(omnisharp_find_symbol)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osfx <Plug>(omnisharp_fix_usings)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <C-\> <Plug>(omnisharp_signature_help)
- autocmd FileType cs imap <silent> <buffer> <C-\> <Plug>(omnisharp_signature_help)
- " Navigate up and down by method/property/field
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> [[ <Plug>(omnisharp_navigate_up)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> ]] <Plug>(omnisharp_navigate_down)
- " Find all code errors/warnings for the current solution and populate the quickfix window
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osgcc <Plug>(omnisharp_global_code_check)
- " Contextual code actions (uses fzf, vim-clap, CtrlP or unite.vim selector when available)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osca <Plug>(omnisharp_code_actions)
- autocmd FileType cs xmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osca <Plug>(omnisharp_code_actions)
- " Repeat the last code action performed (does not use a selector)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>os. <Plug>(omnisharp_code_action_repeat)
- autocmd FileType cs xmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>os. <Plug>(omnisharp_code_action_repeat)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>os= <Plug>(omnisharp_code_format)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osnm <Plug>(omnisharp_rename)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osre <Plug>(omnisharp_restart_server)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>osst <Plug>(omnisharp_start_server)
- autocmd FileType cs nmap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>ossp <Plug>(omnisharp_stop_server)
- augroup END